2016 sorghum production technical guidance

Sorghum has the characteristics of drought resistance, mites resistance, salt and alkali resistance, and resistance to thinness. It can be used for many purposes such as wine making, feed, edible, vinegar, energy, etc. It is one of the important crops for the adjustment of planting industry in China. China's sorghum planting area is about 10 million mu per year, mainly including spring sowing early maturity area, spring sowing late maturing area, spring and summer sowing area and southern area. In recent years, the demand for formula feed has increased significantly, and China has become the world's largest importer of sorghum. In order to fully tap the potential of China's sorghum production, increase market supply and increase farmers' income, the 2016 sorghum production technical guidance is proposed.

Variety selection must follow four principles. First, choose to pass the national or provincial level (president), marketable, and processed varieties. The second is to adapt to the local climate and soil conditions, and to fully utilize the warm and light conditions, and to ensure safe maturity and high yield. Generally, the land with good fertilizer and water conditions, the sorghum grows fast, matures early, and the varieties with longer growth period can be selected; for the thin land, the varieties with short growth period should be selected. Third, the areas with high mechanized production level have the characteristics of short plant height (less than 1.6 m), strong top soil strength, dense planting, moderate stalk extension, and difficult to fall off grain. Fourth, scattered areas should be selected in areas with abundant rainfall, and medium-tight varieties can be selected in areas with less rainfall to prevent the occurrence of pests and diseases in the ear. Linyi Fertilizer Network Copyright
The second is fertilizer management. In the flowering stage of jointing, the most fertilizer is needed. It is necessary to apply fertilizer in stages, that is, to increase the application of base fertilizer, to apply sufficient fertilizer, and to apply fertilizer at the right time. Generally, the farmer's fertilizer is 3000 kg, 20-25 kg of pure nitrogen, 6-8 kg of P2O5 and 3-5 kg ​​of K2O (potassium sulfate is preferred), and is adjusted according to the local soil conditions and target yield. Farmyard manure as base fertilizer, phosphate fertilizer, potassium fertilizer and 30% of all nitrogen fertilizer combined with seeding for one-time application, 60% of all nitrogen fertilizer for jointing fertilizer, 10% for granular fertilizer. Pay attention to seed and fertilizer when applying fertilizer to prevent burning and affecting emergence. Sorghum is drought-tolerant and tolerant, but jointing and booting and heading flowering are critical periods of water demand. In case of drought, conditional areas should be flooded in time. Linyi Fertilizer Network Copyright

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